Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankful for my other parents

First of all, let me start by saying I told you once all my blog entries would be about sports. While I was once  adamant about my stance, it has since changed. I hope you're not overly upset.

I also apologize for the long wait between entries. Deal with it!

I felt led last night to post a few words about my girlfriend's parents, Mr. David and Mrs. Leslie. I can't begin to express how much this pair has meant to me over the last 14 months.

When I met Maggie's parents at the end of last year, I remember not being able to control my hands from shaking. They were like leaves...on a windy day.

About five minutes into the conversation, Mrs. Leslie started talking about different types of cheeses for whatever reason. She talked about a particular style of mashed potatoes, this batch made with gouda cheese. Mr. David calmly looked at her and said, "Well, it's not gooda." I recall laughing hysterically and thinking, "That sounds just like me." Other than my dad, I haven't met anyone with such a similar sense of humor to my own.

Mr. David is one of the most talented men I've met. Recently, he installed hardwood flooring. He has worked on a dredge boat, served as an assistant to the superintendent on several golf courses and can fix anything. He has worked construction and this is evident as I've seen him fix anything and everything that has broken around their house over the last year. If you know me, you realize I'm not what some would call "capable" in those areas, thus to see someone who is so comfortable with tools and handyman work is awesome.

Furthermore, last weekend - when he laid the floor - was really the first time I've seen Mr. David get worked up (or angry, depending on your viewpoint) over anything. There were some minor problems with the actual hardwood and he did not shy away from making his frustrations visible. Of course, that's okay with me, I wouldn't have known how to start on the floor, much less worry myself with the different angles around the vents and where the bedroom doors meet the living room. I can't tell you how impressed I was with his work. Not that he needs my affirmation, but it was certainly a sight to see.

Although there are many aspects that I admire about Maggie's father, one that sticks out is his ability to listen. He serves as the youth pastor at Eastside and this is a trait anyone in the minister should strive to acquire and improve. Have you ever had conversations with someone and noticed them simply thinking about what they are going to say next instead of actually listening to you? He is the antithesis of that - you can feel him listening to every word you say, digesting the material and basing his response around all the knowledge he has acquired during that timespan. It's such a pleasant conversation because he values my opinion as much as his own - at least that's the feeling I get and I sincerely appreciate it. I will remain forever grateful for the relationship I share with Mr. David and it has strengthened my bond with Maggie even more as a result.

As for Mrs. Leslie, her personality differs greatly from her husband's. Mr. David is also one of the most laid back guys I have met in recent memory while Mrs. Leslie can best be described as "passionate," as her daughter put it so eloquently yesterday at lunch. "Big Ma," as she commonly refers to herself, gets worked up rather easily. This is not a bad thing at all. As a matter of fact, it's the complete opposite. Mrs. Leslie never leaves you guessing as far as how she's feeling at the moment. If she's upset, you'll know it. On the other hand, if she's happy, you'll know that too. It's funny watching Mr. David intentionally get under his wife's skin because, well, he knows he can. At times, it might not seem comical to Mrs. Leslie, but from the other side of the living room I simply can't hide my laughter.

Mrs. Leslie shares youth pastor duties with Mr. David and they are a great team. I have been blessed the last few years to share a close friendship with Chris Surigao, the minister of youth at New Beginnings Community Church, the church in which I was raised. Chris is a man after God's heart and the same thing can be said about my new "second" set of parents. Mr. David and Mrs. Leslie are great teachers for many of the same reasons they have a marriage we should all long for. Regardless of the circumstance or the particular lesson that is taught on any given night, I find my eyes darting back and forth to both of them, eagerly anticipating what will be said next. Another recent source of laughter in my life stems from youth on Wednesday nights when I can see Mrs. Leslie "chomping at the bit" to share a tidbit of information while Mr. David is still talking. She begins to slide up in her chair and stare at Mr. David as if to say, "OK, I have something. Let me teach them before I forget it."

I hope you're not hungry this morning before reading this part of the blog, and if not you will be shortly. Mrs. Leslie is an outstanding cook. Other than my mother, the great Gail Hickman, Mrs. Leslie is the best cook I know. Sunday before last, we had one of my favorite meals - country style steak, rice, green beans, macaroni and cheese, the list goes on. It was nothing short of amazing. If you've seen me recently and my roundly-shaped belly, you can thank Mrs. Leslie!

I extend a great debt of gratitude to both of Maggie's parents and can't say enough about the role models they were not only to me, but to the entire community.

If you think I made this post simply to "suck up," you're probably right. Nevertheless, I wanted to share with the audience just how much these two have meant to me in all aspects of life.

Mr. David and Mrs. Leslie - thanks for everything. I appreciate more than any blog post could possibly convey.